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Blairsville Estate Sales

Looking for a reliable partner that covers everything related to estate sales in your area? Worry no more as Yellow Birds Estate Sales is available at Blairsville area. We offer valuable resource related to real estate sales. We have extensive knowledge and experience of Blairsville market place with long list of customers waiting eagerly for our next sale. These factors have contributed to make us most trusted Blairsville estate sales service provider. We not only believe in offering quality services but also don’t charge any upfront fees.

We have carefully crafted our services to let our clients have hassle-free estate selling experience. Therefore we have honest and knowledgeable staff keen to aid our clients in every possible way with dedicated personalized, full and fast service. Our experienced staff believes in working closely with our clients to ensure their personalized requirements are met with ease with dedicated customized service. Our free consultations aim to help clients for smooth estate sales, while on the other hand we utilize our extensive knowledge and experience to provide our clients full estate service covering personal property, automobiles, campers, jewelry, firearms, real estate etc.

We help clients to get the best price for their estate. Our pre-sale removal and trash removal service can contribute in enhancing the price of the estate. We also sort, display and price each item to enhance the value. The yard and the directional signs used to indicate that the estate is available for sale strictly follow Blairsville code and laws. We believe in offering maximum exposure to the each estate of our client and hence put up the sale notice not only on Blairsville Craigslist but also on and We also sent email notifications to our long list of great customers that help clients in getting the right seller with fast sale.

If our clients require clean-out service after sales completion they don’t have to go anywhere but just request us for the service. We help clients to get back tax credit on items that remained unsold by donating to various charitable organizations such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, Veterans Association, ReStore and other Blairsville based charity.

Clients can check out our other services that includes estate preservation and real estate service. Under real estate service we buy house in ‘as in’ condition, buy house up to date and ready for sale. We also list house available for sale with our brokers.

Call us today at (770) 224-7101 or fill our contact form to know more about our services.